Custom Rod Worksheet
Right click on the custom rod worksheet, save and print it. Next, fill it out using our parts catalog. Be sure to include
thread colors, and Pattern for the butt wrap. Be specific.
We have worked out thread patterns for almost any National Flag. Most can be done showing multiple flags, but complicated
flags (the U.S. flag is done multiple) may have to be "weaved" as a single flag.
Completing Your Order:
After the custom rod worksheet is done, mail it to our P.O. box. Include a time and phone number that you can be contacted
at. Don't worry if you are unsure about some items, those details can be worked out later. Be sure to keep a copy so that
we will all be working from the same page when we finish the little details that will make this a rod you can be proud of.
If you can't find a part you want on your rod in our catalog, put it on the form anyway. We will find it for you. A
custom rod should be the way you want it.